That was the night before the Wedding, and in a young Brides dreams;
Ran thoughts of blissful long life love, and everything that means.
Thoughts of morning wakening, beside the man she loved;
Fitting together perfectly, like a hand fits to a glove.

That was the night before the Wedding, and a young Grooms sleepy smile; Relived the story of a girl who captured his heart with style. The moment that he saw her, he knew that it was for life; And he knew he’d found the lady that was destined to be his wife.

Twas the night before the Wedding, and the guests from far and wide; Looked forward to the occasion, of witnessing this Marriage, with pride. Their best clothes pressed and ready, the gifts prepared to give; Ready to create memories, to be cherished as long as we live.

On the morning of the Wedding, all parties gathered together; To celebrate this union, that is bound in love, forever. And everyone there present, was overjoyed to see; The Bride and Groom united….. And as happy as happy can be.
Bespoke Poetry by I want a Poem